An Article from the ...

The Two Room Schoolhouse

by Roy Burris

Do you remember the old two-room school house at the Canyon? It is still there, but is now an office building.

We had 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grades in one room and 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th in the other. There was one teacher for each room. Each student had a desk, arranged by grade. You stayed at your desk to study and do assignments.

When it was time for a class to recite, it went up to a row of chairs behind the teacher's desk and in front of the blackboard. Each student took turns standing and reading or answering the teacher's questions.

If you remember all that, do you remember the name of the boy next to me who put a tack on my seat when I was standing to read? I can't remember his name, but I sure got his point!

From The Grand Canyon Pioneers Society Newsletter, September 1991


Used by permission of the Grand Canyon Pioneers Society.

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