Virtual Hawaii
V i r t u a l   H a w a i i
T h e   I s l a n d s   O f   A l o h a

During the weeks of September 13th and 20th a group of seven of us (affectionately referred to as "the pod") travelled to Hawaii for a vacation in the Islands of Aloha. The first week of this vacation was an American Hawaii Cruise aboard the SS Independence, the only cruise ship in the world with an American registry. The cruise started in Honolulu on the island of Oahu, and then went to: Nawiliwili, Kaua'i; Kahului, Maui (2 days); Hilo, Hawai'i; Kona, Hawai'i; and then back to Oahu. The second week of the trip was split between Oahu (2 days) and Kaua'i (4 days).

The pages that follow represent a photographic journal of this vacation. Four different cameras were used to record these images and each image is identified with the camera which was used to record it:

  • Digital : Nikon CoolPix 900, digital camera (my new toy)
  • 35mm : Pentax P30t, 35mm camera
  • APS : Nikon Nuvis 125i, APS (Advanced Photo System) camera
  • Underwater : Kodak underwater, single use, disposable camera

Photos from Hawaii are best viewed while listening to
Internet Radio Hawaii.

If you have RealAudio installed follow the above link to IRH and then return here once the program has started.

Day 1 At sea - Nawiliwili, Kaua'i - Don Ho Show
Day 2 Kaua'i : Kaua'i 4WD tour : Waimea Canyon & Koke State Parks - Departure from Nawiliwili
Day 3 Maui : The Road to Hana
Day 4 Maui : Mount Haleakala - Lahaina
Day 5 Hawai'i : Hawaii Volcanos National Park - Rainbow Falls & Wailuku River State Park in Hilo
Day 6 Hawai'i : Nautalis submarine - Hapuna Beach State Park - Kona
Day 7 Oahu : Pearl Harbor - Honolulu
Day 8 Oahu : Honolulu Zoo - Waikiki Aquarium
Day 9 Oahu : Rainbow
Kaua'i : Spouting Horn - Wailua Falls
Day 10 Kaua'i : Kalalau trail - Na Pali coast - Hanakapiai Beach - Sunset at Polihale Beach
Day 11 Kaua'i : Snorkeling trip - Luau
Day 12 Kaua'i : Sunrise - Waimea Canyon - Kalalau Lookout, Koke'e State Park - Kilauea Point Lighthouse
Day 13 Kaua'i : Opaekaa Falls - Wailua River - Menehune fish pond
Oahu : Waikiki
Day 14 Oahu : SS Independence - Sunrise on Waikiki - Wyland Whaling Wall

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Copyright © Bob Ribokas, 1998, all rights reserved. This publication and its text and photos may not be copied for commercial use without the express written permission of Bob Ribokas.